
What does it take to become a frieght train conducter?

by  |  earlier

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I have been facinated by trains since i was 5 yrs old,i'm now 34 and still in love,thanks.




  1. Love speeds that's all. Train is fun, but bikes is more cool and hot!! But do visit here big bro.

  2. Go to work for a railroad in the operating department, tht is what brakemen and switchmen are under.

    After taht it is just a matter of time to "promotion" to conductor and then engineer.

    The two crafts used to be very very separate, train service vs engine service but they have been more or less merged into one career track.

    It can be as little as a year and a hlaf or so to maybe 5 years, depending on themanpower needs of the company you are on and specific location.

    If you can tolerate working nights, weekends, holidays, being on call 24/7 it can be a good job.

    I like to say, a good job but a lousy life.

    Good Luck with it.

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