
What does it take to become a golf caddy?

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I'm looking for a caddying job at a local golf club and I was curious what qualifications I need. I am knowledgable with playing golf and most rules, but what else do I need to do or know?




  1. The first thing you have to do is be very alert at all times.Don't worry it takes a while to learn. 2.Never assumes anything. 3. Keep a eye on the weather,  always be prepared for rain(With a jacket even if it doesn't look like rain) 4 Be Nice to the players, always. Even if you can't stand them. 5 Be positive. Never criticize a player, ever. 6 If they ask you something and you don't know, say I don't know. 7 If they hit a good shot, say nice hit.etc.8, Never refuse money, That's it. Good Luck!

  2. i am a caddy and all i did was get a polo and some nice pants on, went up to the caddy master, asked if he was hiring, and bam, i had a job for the summer. I had barely any experience but usually they will teach you and take you out with a caddy and you can watch him or her. The job gets boring but the money is good. You learn A LOT about the game by doing this.

  3. I caddied for several years as a kid (I'm now 52) at a private club outside of Philly, and recently have caddied each of the past few summers when the Futures Tour (1 step below the LPGA) comes to my area. Knowledge of the game and rules is a big plus, but players aren't always looking for their caddy to be the Wonder Book of Knowledge. More so, they want some one who can: show up, keep up, and shut up. Show up... because caddies generally aren't A-1 reliable. Keep up... because you've got alot to do (retrieve divots, rake traps, tend pins, etc.) and tote the clubs. Shut up... because some players really don't want to engage in conversation with their caddie during their round (especially if there's money on the table). For a local course, knowing yardages (on which holes are the course's yardage markers off) and pin placements (front, middle, back) is handy. Depending on whose bag you're schlepping around, you may have to put up with a whole bunch of complaining (it's always the caddies fault). Good luck! Caddying can be a real character builder!

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