
What does it take to become a good computer scientist?

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What does it take to become a good computer scientist?




  1. You need to be a geek.

  2. you have too look on all angles of entry

  3. Like most things, in order to become proficient, you need only two things:

    1) The proper education

    2) The affinity to understand and "have a feel" for the thing in order to manipulate it to your advantage (some might say "instinct").

    Good Luck.

  4. Some would argue that Computer Science isn't the same as Computer Programming. I've taken a course or two from guys who think they can do Computer Science without knowing how to program.  It's a total loss.

    Computer programming requires an enormous amount of time.  Nearly without exception, the good programmers do it because they like it. You have to want to learn the next new thing, not just because you need it right now, but in and of itself. And you have to never stop learning.

    Computer programming requires attention to detail.  You could say that about any engineering.  But for programming, nothing is too trivial.

    That said, it seems to take a minimum of four years.

  5. Curiosity, logic, and fanatic attention to detail.

    Being a geek doesn't hurt. :-)

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