
What does it take to become a professional Boxer?

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What Does It Take To Become A Professional Boxer? And what are some normal prize earnings ranked by experience?




  1. it takes practice

    a good teaches

    consistency, dedication.

    complete lifestyle change.

    prizes depend upon where you are competing.

  2. a low i.q.

  3. your prime examples are champions like muhummad ali, alexis arguello, wilfred benitez, ken buchanan, michael carbajal, miguel canto, antonio cervantes, bobby chacon, jeff chandler, pipino cuevas, roberto duran, george foreman, bob foster, joe fraizer, etc.

  4. em go to a boxing club and join them and you do boxing training its ment to be very hard tho and you get very fit my boy friend use to do it and hes really fit and neva eva puts on wait!!!just find out were your local boxing club is and join up!!!

  5. Training, Dedication, Skill, these three things can take you pretty far but if you really wanna get noticed i believe Talent can take you the furthest.

  6. it takes lots and lots of skill. its different for every boxer. it could be as low as a couple hundred for a fight or as high as many thousands

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