
What does it take to get a European Pasport?

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I'm pretty sure I am eligible for Polish citizenry. I am currently only a US citizen. I would like to get a Polish/ EU passport. What steps do I need to take?




  1. Firstly there is no such things as a European Passport. Each countries with in the EU have there own laws about passports. Contact the Polish Embassy in the USA. Rules are changing all the time about citizenship

  2. Be a citizen of any country of the European Union, I think Poland is a member

  3. please read on acquiring Polish citizenship first:

    Polish nationality law is based upon the principles of Jus sanguinis. Children born to Polish parents usually acquire citizenship irrespective of place of birth. Persons born in Poland to foreign parents do not normally become Polish citizens.

    Dual citizenship is normally permitted in Poland, however Poland will view a dual citizen as if he or she was solely Polish.

    Citizenship by descent

    Citizenship can generally be claimed only by descendants of Polish citizens who left Poland after the country became an independent state in 1918. Also, there can be no break in Polish citizenship between the emigrant ancestor and the applicant. If the applicant's ancestor lost Polish citizenship under any of the circumstances mentioned above, the applicant most likely did not inherit Polish citizenship through that ancestor. Application for "Confirmation of Possession or Loss of Polish Citizenship" can be made through Polish embassies or consulaties abroad.

    [edit] Dual citizenship

    Polish law does not explicitly allow dual citizenship, but possession of another citizenship is tolerated as there are no penalties for its possession alone[2]. However, penalties do exist for exercising foreign citizenship, such as identifying oneself to Polish authorities using a foreign identification document or serving in a foreign military without permission of Polish military authorities.

    Poland treats nationals of other countries whom it considers Polish citizens as if they were solely Polish. Because Polish citizenship is determined by the citizenship of a Polish parent - without any explicit limitation for the number of generations elapsed abroad for descendants of Polish emigrants - this may create problems for individuals of Polish descent born abroad who, in spite of having no ties to Poland, are nevertheless subject to all obligations of Polish citizenship, including military service. In addition, such individuals are not entitled to consular protection of their home country under Article 29 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. The only exception is when a bilateral consular agreement calls for recognition of the expatriate citizenship, regardless of the allegations of Polish citizenship raised by Poland. Such an agreement was negotiated in the 1972 Consular Convention between the United States and Poland

    you may go to one the consulat to read what all you would need to acquire citizenship of Poland at this page

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