
What does it take to get into Mexico now? Just pass ports or what? Can you take a rental car over?

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I'm new at crossin the border, if you have time tell me how much does a passport cost and what documents do I need ect. We're just goin from Vegas to Tijuana to kick it for a few days and i need to know what 2 do. Thx have a blessed day.




  1. you need passports 19 and up and as for the rental car you need a permit! but this is only asked for when you come back!!

  2. DO NOT take a rental car into Mexico. DON'T!!! Most rental car companies DO NOT cover Mexico and when you sign your life away on the contract, it states that. If you drive it over anyway and it gets stolen, wrecked, or totaled, it'll be your azz on the line for $20K+. Forget that, just park on the other side and walk over. You can also find "tourist busses" that go over there. Most places are within walking distance, or you can take taxicabs. Driving conditions are very hazardous over there, regardless of circumstance.

    Passports are about $100 and you have to give it a good 2 mos in advance to leaving the country.    

    The website will list all the documents you need.

    Trust me, after 9/11, leaving the country to "kick it" for a few days ain't as cheap or easy as it used to be. Good luck, darling.

  3. Nikki is absolutely correct.

    You will be kickin it alright--Kickin the bucket.

    Be sure to leave your will and have your doctor prepare a death certificate.

    Carry your passport--it makes it a lot easier to I.D your body

  4. Passports are good to have, but are not yet required to travel to and from Mexico by Land.  They will be required in June 2009.  Now, you need a photo I.D. and a proof of citizenship...EITHER a pssport OR a birth certificae.  Passpors cost $100.00 and currently take 4 weeks to process.  You can see the site below for all passport application info if you would like to go ahead and get passports.  See 2nd site to read curent regs.

  5. ask the illegals that your passing by

    but really, go to the agency for your legal papers, and yes, the car will be fine.

  6. I think if you're going further than 25 miles in you need official papers.  Passports run about $90, I think.  And they take a while to come in, so get them early!

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