
What does it take to get into clown college?

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hello, all. I am in seventh grade, and I wanna be an acrobat/circus performer/street performer when i grow up. (sorry if that sounded juvineille. (sorry if my being unable to spell juvineille is juvineille))

so, anyway, i was wondering about clown college. is it actually set up like a college/school, or is it just a place to take classes whenever you like? do you need a certain amount of experience to get in? and do they teach everything(descriptive, i know, but you know what i mean, hopefully)?

also, for performers, is there a height restriction (not just in clown college, in that industry)? oh, and do you have to have gone to clown college to get a job like that?





  1. i'm not going to bash you like everyone else did. (excluding music man)

    i have 2 views on your decision.

    1)If it is what you really want, go for it. i have no clue if there is really a clown college......but i guess it is possible. i would take maybe some gymnastics classes, and learn some majic tricks, and try to discover different unique talents within yourself, that would help you fit in as a ....clownishh person.....or whatever.

    2)wait this out. when i was your age, i wanted to be a vet, a singer, and an astronaut......

    right now, you are just going through a stage. i went through a "i'm in love with fall out boy stage" and 2 months later, i forgot about them. you are going through a "i want to be a clown stage" and i can guarentee you that this will pass eventually.

    right now, you are becoming a teenager, and your hormones are all mixed up and you are developing into a young women, and you will go through many of these random stages.

    it's a part of growing up. so just wait for this stage to pass.

    but don't let other people bring you down. do what you love. live for the moment. and be yourself.

  2. I do not know details about clown college (and yes there are clown collages), but I can tell you what I know about the National Circus School. I auditioned for this school and would have got in, but I do not speak any french (it is a french school). And sorry if it sounds like I am trying to brag, I am not, I just want you to know that I know what I'm talking about. It's a lot of work to become an acrobat/circus performer. They do have a high school program, where you take all of your normal courses, along with training in circus arts. Their college program is run like a real school. There are classes you are required to take, which are run at certain times, separated by semesters, just as any school is run.

    There is no height restriction in this industry, and yes you need at least some experience. You must audition for the school and they only take the best of the best. It is a tough industry to get into no matter how good you are.

    Lastly, it is not necessary to go to school to get a job as a circus performer, but it is SO MUCH easier if you do. The ENC (National Circus School) prides itself on the fact that 95 percent of their graduates get jobs straight out of collage. Many of the top performing companies will go to a school like this to scout for new performers and they generally do not take people just from the street.

    Hope this helps and good luck with your future. :)

  3. lmfao!!!!! i didn't think those really existed!!! i would suggest some kind of career you make more than $5,000 at. it sounds like you're aiming for nothing!!! i am a 10th grader and i am aiming to be an Anesthesiologist!!! That's an actual job. It helps out the community-unlike a clown-and you get a healthy paycheck. Please get your priorities straight, then ask a  serious question!!!

  4. big shoes, big pants and a funny colored wig

    good luck!

  5. finish the 7th grade and then think bout the 8th grade n den think bout graduatin from middle school then ......

    u go n b a clown u stupid assinine (go look it up pinche payaso)

  6. Look for clown school (advertisments) in the newspaper, internet and phone books.

    By the way, you DO NOT need to buy mega-sized shoes, baggy clothes and a colourful wig to be a clown. If you want to be a clown, practice your expressions in the mirror and make them really big. Why? 'Cause clowns need to be seen far away, so their facial expressions and features need to be seen far away. That's also why they wear loads of make-up on their eyes and mouth!

    The reason why they wear such baggy and outrageous outfits is because clowns are not supposd to look normal - at all.

    By the way, while you practice your expressions, make sure that some are extra big because clowns that are silent have to have greater expressions to show their mood more. Clowns that talk don't but still need really big expressions.

    For an acrobat, remember that you're gonna get dizzy and face your fears wheather you are gonna walk across a rope high up in the air, bounce yourself up and down with a trapez or spin around on a bike. Although, you will get used to that after many practices at clown school. You will need to be flexible and have lots of balence. You will fall alot on mats and practice all these tricks at clown school.

  7. I know what to do if you wanna go to clown school. You have to practice on a unicycle, and really know how to look like a clown with your makeup, make your clothes look clownish, and buy some shoes about 8 sizes bigger than your size. And then you have to find a clown school close to your house, and call their number. If they answer say something like this..." Hello. I'm Mandy and I would like to sign up for your clown school." and then wait until they say something and say oh I don't really know what to say on the phone. You just have to do all of those things and sign up on the phone, and then you go over there to the school and show them your clown style.

  8. Hello Mandy,

    I'm not sure if Clown College is what you are looking for.  If you are interested in being a clown, I would need to know where you are located.  I am the Southwest regional vice president  for Clowns of America International and can point you in the right direction for finding a clown alley (clown club) or regional convention or classes that occur annually in your area.  The classes these venues put on may teach some of what you are looking for but if you are looking to be an acrobat this would not be the area you should look into.  If you are interested in ballooning, face painting, magic, skits and parades, then these areas are the place to consider.  

    Let me know and I will be glad to help.


    Butterscotch the Clown

  9. Lots of hankies

  10. First of all, Francessca, it's Asinine. Second, Asinine means stupid, you you just called him a stupid stupid, you idiotic ****.

    If you're going to insult someone, learn how.

    Secondly, I highly doubt that there is an actual clown college. Try learning a few magic tricks and perform street magic for people. If you want to become a performer, work at it. Ask some of the people who work(ed) in cirque de soleil, you never know, they might be willing to teach you a few things.

    Third, don't listen to people who try to put you down or try to make you feel like an idiot, those people are a******s.

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