
What does it take to get into medical school?

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I know that 4 years of college are required before you can apply to medical school, but do you have to major pre-medicine in those 4 years, or could it be something like engineering or history?




  1. you can study anything in your undergraduate year as long as you comply with the requirement of courses that you need to take to be considered foe admission.

  2. -Take all your pre reqs. for med school

    -Score VERY high on your MCAT's

    -Make sure your GPA is a 3.5 or better

    There are many more things involved here but you basically need to take the MCAT's and take all your required classes. No, you do NOT have to be Pre-Med, in fact, most med school applicant's just have a major in Biology or Chemistry for example. So yeah, you can major in whatever you want but if you are going for a career in medicine it would make a bit more sense to major in something related to medicine you know. Anyway, good luck!

  3. You can major in anything you like as far as your bachelor's degree goes. But in order to get into med school, you have to pass the MCAT's (Medical College Admissions Test).

    I would STRONGLY suggest that if you major in a Pre-Med program if your college/university has one. If not, my second suggestion would be Chemistry or Biology.

    I'm afraid History isn't going to help you pass the MCATs.

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