
What does it take to have pie?

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When I bake pies I usually put apple filling in them, but recently I tried a blueberry mix & it was gross! Know I have switched back to apple but it still tastes gross. It's like I can still taste the blueberry.....any explanation for this?




  1. I do a meaty filling for my pies, or even a tuna fish filling.

    I also, for sweet pies do a milk tart filling which is very nice.

    Simply mix fresh milk with corn flour and bring to the boil so that the milk thickens well. Sweeten

    The pore it in to the pie crust and allow to set.

    Once set, sprinkle with fine cinnamon.

    Serve cold.

  2. "What does it take to have pie?"  Verrry good question!

    No, there's absolutely no explanation for this!

    And nobody else knows either. Apparently!


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