
What does it take to kill?

by  |  earlier

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Loss of blood? Bullet through the heart? shock? (What is shock

anyway?) can you die from pain alone? pass out? Why is it that human

bodies fail even when their major organs aren't damaged? (like a buttel

to the leg or shoulder?)




  1. A bullet in ya head

    A bullet in ya head

    A bullet in ya head

    A bullet in ya head

    A bullet in ya head

    A bullet in ya head

    A bullet in ya head

    A bullet in ya head

    A bullet in ya head!

    A bullet in ya head!

    A bullet in ya head!

    A bullet in ya head!

    A bullet in ya head!

    A bullet in ya head!

    A bullet in ya head!

    Ya gotta bullet in ya ******' head!

  2. Pretty weird question mate. lol

    Shock means your heart starts to fail, Your BP drops, your pulse gets slow and weak and if not treated in time then your heart will just give up.

    Which can happen if in too much pain, lose too much blood etc.

    And a bullet in the brain.. well... your brain controls everything you do, with a hole in your brain, it cant work properly. - Your are left pretty much dead.

  3. uhhhhhh why are you asking this............................ cutting off the hands will kill you very fast and it doesent take a gun................ please tell me your not going to kill someone though,  

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