
What does it take to make a dynamic database driven ecoomerce site?

by  |  earlier

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hi, can you please list everything I need?

Do I need mysql, cart, wysiwyg ? Im not sure of all the tools I need to create this myself, can you please help me and explian in steps what I need to do First?

Thanks so much :)

PS: Im having a hard time understing what I should do first and when do I get hosting , After I build my site? Thanks




  1. First, (assuming you also have a registered domain) you need hosting that provides a database. Just about all hosting plans do. What I suggest next is to log into your hosting control panel and create a new database (call your provider for help if you need it). Make a note of all the info associated with the new DB because you'll need it later. Then find an open source ecommerce solution. is a great start. The only thing about it is that it doesn't have a gift registry. If this is important, search for "open source ecommerce gift registry" and you'll find some results. Install the ecommerce package of your choice onto your site (the ecommerce site will have instructions on doing this). Along the way, it will ask you to enter your database info. If you follow through with their instructions you should be good to go. And check their site for additional how-tos to get your site populated and going.  

  2. As you may know a domain name is just a name, not a real website. If you are going to create your business website: 1- Buy a domain name. 2- Buy a web hosting service to provide your online space and enable you to get your website online at your registered domain name.

    If you want to start your business website I recommend purchase your domain and hosting together. In this way it is possible to get your domain for free. Some hosting services offer this gift today. They also offer "Free Site Builder" that helps you build your web pages without difficulty if you are not skilled in using any website creating program. (WYSIWYG: What You See Is What You Get). Some of these companies also offer hundreds of various customizable templates.

    Take a look at: There you can reach the three reputable companies that are leaders in the E-commerce web hosting industry.

  3. Kinda hard to explain but your best bet is to use uniform server to make you site make sure it works then publish it to your real web server.

    you'll need mysql to hold the info, php to interact with mysql, cat utility like zencart.

    knowledge php, mysql, html with css , zencart or *cart integration knowledge which you can find on their site.

    for the other stuff

    basic overall plan

    1) Manage your users ( login ..etc )

    2) Keep track of you users ( look into SESSIONS in php )

    3) Save your users selection ( php w/ mysql )

    4) complete the transaction (php w/ myswl w/ zencart )

    5) log out

    All of this can be done on your home computer with a web server called uniform server cool thing is no major installation is required. Just dump on your desktop or desired location and run it.

    Create a folder under the udrive/www/ called mycart

    and call it like this


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