
What does it take to raise a good, moral child in today's society?

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What does it take to raise a good, moral child in today's society?




  1. parents and or gauardians that teach them how to love and respect themselves, and to respect others around them, to teach them equality, spirituality, compassion, how to appreciate how important a good education is, to show them how to work hard in life, with out making work all there is about life. to teach them the importance of family, friends and loved ones. to be there for them when they fall down, but allow them to fall in the first place so they can learn from their mistakes.

    sorry everyone i got up on my soapbox and got a little carried away i think.  

  2. Be stricter than you are normally inclined to be.  If you are a lenient parent when children are young then they will be out of control when they are teens.  Kids have a way of testing limits and if you set the bar too low they won't reach higher.

    I've taught my kids at a young age to always put themselves in another persons place and try to understand how another person feels.

    From very early on (age 1 or earlier) let them understand that their actions have an effect on others.  Do not be the kind of parent that says, "oh, she is just a baby...."   You would be surprised at the understanding of a 2 year old.

    If you say no, don't ever back down and change your mind about something or you will end up with a whiner, (be careful and think BEFORE you say no).

    Children do not learn by what you tell them but by what you show them.  If you want a good moral child, then be a good moral example.

  3. Good parenting.

  4. Decent parents would be a good place to start!

  5. love and trust.

    Talk to thfe child a lot :)

  6. Be a good parent..

    Teach them good manners and to respect people.

    You dont have to like every single person you meet but you respect them and be civil.

    It's hard work sometimes ,but stick to you're guns!

    Treat others how you would like to be treated.

    Thats what I tell my children xx

  7. A good, moral parent (or two)  

  8. let them play manhunt

  9. I am the Paedofinder General, and by the powers invested in me by the hysterial American community, I deem you a...PAEDOPHILE!

  10. Its got allot to do with good parenting, control the TV they watch and the friends that they choose , teach them to be individuals not sheep these alone wont make a child good or moral but it will help.

  11. The parent must be a good role model. If you show your child that the rules you enforce apply to you too, your child will understand the universal nature of courtesy, respect and kindness. He needs to understand that everyone should act this way, not just  little kids.  I also think it is very important to start your child early as a volunteer along side his parents.

    I also find talking over situations with your children a great way to help them discover their moral compass. By going over things that happened to the child or things he may have witnessed, you can point out why certain things are wrong, and how something cruel or immoral negatively effects everyone involved.

  12. Your love for that child...If he/she knows the air you breath depends on them, I found that love carries them through almost anything!

  13. Only a parent who loves and respects them.

  14. Children are very different group of people away from adults, they have allot of needs, physically, socially, emotionally, and they want to know every thing, so if you would be a good mother, you need to meet their expectations and fulfill their needs. schools is unable to meet all of their needs, as a mother you have a huge responsibility, keep watching them all the time, the baby setter isn't a good mother, and she isn't able to give them love; you can.

    Just be a good mother    

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