
What does it take to show someone that you love them?

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I mean people always criticize others for saying "I Love You" to their bf/gf and saying things like "You don't mean that", "Your too young to know", but just because you get married does that mean that you know what love is? What does it take?




  1. it takes respect. showing that you mean it by showing him/her  in any way you can from verbal to physical. Make them breakfast remind them they are safe special things something unique. Say how you feel not just "I love you" talk sweet. Stuff like that

  2. if you and the other person are in agreement that you love each other and you treat each other decently... you are in love! wonderful lol. its really that simple dont over-think it. haha  

  3. You have to care as much for them as you do a best friend. You have to be willing to take a bullet for them if that time comes. You have to want to prove that you are worthy of them. Love is not about you, it is all about how you can make them happy and keep them safe. Love is a lot stronger than most people realise, so they really DON'T mean it, because they don't know what love is. They are too focused on how that person can make them happy. You are never REALLY to young to know love, but you have to be mature enough to fully comprehend it before you can have it. Most of the time people don't mean when they say "I love you",  and that is why divorce is so prominent in this day and age. people believe they are in love and aren't. It is not just "butterflies in the stomach". It is very powerful, and can destroy someone if it is taken away.

  4. well someone already beat me to this question! ultra v thats exactly what i was going to say 2 so ditto to that

  5. it takes your heart and soul. love is something that only you can know. i mean sure you're young and you really don't know what love is but if someone loves you back you'll know. there's just that special feeling that says it all. when you love someone you just know it in your heart and that other person will know it in theirs too

  6. it takes excepting the other person as they are. it takes knowing who you are. it is looking at the other person and wanting to be with that person when they are old. it takes a partnership that can weather any big or little storm there is.

    this is but a little truth to love

  7. your life

    if you can give up your life for the person you love

    yea youngster don't now what is love , but they can fall in love in a young age.

    i know this cause it happen to me

    am 19 th now  

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