
What does it take to work in an embassy?

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  1. For you ? Probably a mop and a pail.

  2. There are two basic ways to work in an embassy.

    First, as a diplomatic staff by first gaining employment in that country's foreign service.  And the other as local support staff by getting a job advertised in the embassy directly.

    In terms of the first option, I think that really depends on which foreign service you want to join (as in which country's foreign service).

    In some countries, the foreign ministry is looking for ready-made diplomats...i.e. people who already know a lot of languages and who have degrees in international trade, international relations, international law etc... Their exams tend to be very detailed, so you have to cram a bit of everything.

    In other countries, the foreign ministry is looking for people who have the general intelligence to be able to become good generalists (i.e. can do whatever job they are given and learn on the job - whether it's nuclear safeguards or southern bluefin tuna). These tend to give more general intelligence exams, and test things like essay writing, vocabulary, problem solving.

    In any case, it is of course useful to be reasonably knowledgable about general international affairs - especially in areas which are of particular strategic importance to your country. Economist is always good - as someone suggested. Having at least one second language, especially an important one, is also a bonus. Strong academic results is a must.

    In terms of the second, it depends on the job.  Accountants need accounting background, drivers need driving background etc... Generally, you need to speak both the local language and the language of the country you are in.

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