
What does it usually take for a person to be voted Mother of the Year or Father of the Year?

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I've often heard of people being voted Mother of the Year or Father of the Year, but what qualifications do these people meet exactly?




  1. Who's to say what kind of mother you are unless they live with you and see what kind of person you really are. I'm mother of the year in my church and i don't even have kids.( I'm just so good with my kids in my bible study class) I'm their teacher

  2. I guess it's a nice idea to honor someone with that title, but it really couldn't mean much.  I hope and pray that I'd be considered "Mother of the Millennium" to the six little people I've given the last eleven years of my life for.  What most mothers do day after day is so hidden, and doesn't sound that exciting when you try to put it into words.  I guess you'd need to be nominated, but most Moms I know would feel kind of awkward being put on public display like that.  We just want to know that we're loved and appreciated by those we love the most.

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