
What does jail breaking the iphone do?

by Guest67271  |  earlier

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What does jail breaking the iphone do? what are the benefits and what are the risks? Best answer gets 10 points!




  1. Pros: The iPhone is a great phone for basically anyone it has 3g speeds, wifi, edge, 2.0 megapixel camera, shortcuts to applications, gps, games(not included but u can get them from itunes from free to 12.99) an accelorater which is used to respond when you move it for example. when u are calling someone the screen goes blank and when u want to end a call, when u look at it the screen will pop back up and u can end the call and when u use motion games such as labyrnith you can tilt the board to move the ball) i personally think without a doubt in my mind that the iphone is buying for only buisness people UNLESS YOU JAILBREAK IT. jailbreaking means that you can add native applications (people who make home made applications) which is really usefull because it has the things that the iphone didnt come with such as video recording, video streaming, you can customize every aspect of the phone to the background to the icons to the sounds it makes when you open and close it to game emulators. the possibilites are endless other than that if you dont wish to jail breaki ti then u have basically the functions that are listed on lines 1-4. if i were to tell you all the things jailbreaking can do, you would probably die for an iphone just to hack it. if you have any questions about anything or unclear just email me and i can answer any questions.

    Cons: Is not as fast as advertised but faster than any phone then i know. (maybe except the Nokia N95 but thats a whole other topic......)


    I have an iphone 3g and i hacked it and i have video recorder, games, customized springboard, and when i unlock the phone it says (Holy c**p!)-peter from Family Guy. =D

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