
What does john mccain mean when he says this election is not about issues?

by Guest64560  |  earlier

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are we to believe it is about the many palin pregnancies?




  1. If he said that he probably means it's about personality since Obama is running on personality alone.

  2. I think he is hoping people will vote strictly along party lines rather than looking at issues.  If people vote that way, he will win.  If people look at how the Republican party and his clone Bush have ruined our country then he will lose.

  3. John McCain is HOPING the issues areNOTpart of it

    otherwise he'll have to sell his 100yr war to America


    handle his foolish votes for Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy, which he called BAD for America

    until he wanted the nomination !

  4. Come on now, it was Rick Davis, McCain's campaign manager who thought it would be great for McCain if terrorists attacked America again, who said that the election isn't about issues. McCain only used his judgment and experience to pick McCain as his manager. Get it straight.

    No way, no how, no McCain! Eight is enough!

  5. He means: "Pay no attention to that staggering economy and the four years of chaos in Iraq."  He's a bad punchline to Bush.  He's outta here.

  6. he means that Obama supporters are hypnotized by Obama's charisma.

    Have you changed your mind on Obama's racism, don c?  IIRC, you were quite displeased with him a couple of months ago.

  7. When did he ever say that?  Man, you guys just keep coming up with more and more c**p!

  8. simple, he doesn't plan on taking on the issues, he plans on making it personal and he has already shown those colors and he's not even gotten the official nomination from the party. He's warning us that the personal attacks will be ratcheted up from this point on. I can only assume that he's trying to stay in the waters he knows and doesn't want to go into the unexplored realm of actually talking plans, policy and issues.

  9. It means that McCain will take any and all steps to avoid discussing the real issues.  

    After all, his platform mirrors that of Bush's and with Bush's popularity under 30%, he can't afford to discuss the issues.

    Watch McCain's speech tomorrow night and see how long he discusses the economy.  I'll be timing it.

  10. I don't think McCain knows what he means...

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