
What does karoke means?

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What does karoke means?




  1. a music entertainment system providing prerecorded music accompaniment to popular songs that a peformer sings live by following words on a video screen.

  2. Karaoke is a form of entertainment in which amateur singers sing along with recorded music using a microphone and public address system. The music is typically a well-known pop song in which the voice of the original singer is removed or reduced in volume. Lyrics are usually displayed on a video screen, along with a moving symbol or changing color, to guide the singer. In some countries, karaoke with video lyrics display capabilities is called KTV. It is very commonly mispronounced /kæriːoʊkiː/, which leads many to believe the correct spelling is "kareoke". The proper and only valid spelling is karaoke.

    I hope it helps!

  3. Really bad singing

    -in Japanese

  4. Karaoke (kah-rah-oh-keh) is Japanese for "empty orchestra."

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