
What does light brown discarge mean?

by  |  earlier

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i have been sexually active. and feeling light headed lately.and a faster heart beat.




  1. you need to see a doctor asp, you might have an infection

  2. i don't know why people are being so mean to you!!!!!!!!! It depends.. your period could be coming... or if you had s*x it could just be some lining of your period broke a little duriing itercourse. I would not worry just make sure your period comes and stay protected!

  3. I don't want to be rude hun, but you have asked this question like 4 times, how is anyone on Yahoo answers supposed to know what is wrong with you??? Go to the doctor and take a pregnancy test sheesh!

  4. the typical girl who come on here asking us like we can see inside ur uterus...please quit askin and go to a doctor youre gonna get the same d**n answers!

  5. When was the last time you had your period ? I think I asked you on your other question . I can go from 2 different experiences .

    1- I would always get brown discharge before my period - usually the 1st day and my heart would race - more of a palpitation  .

    2- NOW I DONT want to scare you ok - but I had the same exact thing with this pregnancy . I had "implantation bleeding " and racing heart.

    Can't fully answer your question w/o knowing if your period is late .

  6. Ok I've seen you ask this question about 3 times or more. You need to go to your doctor and get checked out. Could be an infection or something.

  7. ok one......what you are going through doesnt really mean pregnancy and two you need to go to the doctor and three if you haven't been using protection then i suggest that you start.

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