
What does lightening in my dream mean?

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I had a dream last night where i was hanging out with my little sister in my parents house. Then a giant storm came and I went to my room. The house was struck by lightening and the lightening traveled through the house and hit me. I suspect killing me but that was when I woke up shaking. Any ideas on the meaning?




  1. You feel you are the man of the house and feel responsible for your sisters safty and are protective and you are scared you might fail and get hurt.  

  2. lighting could symbolize alert, warning.

    You project this lighting struck your house could suggest that there is something going on the relationship in your family.  It may relate to your sister as well.  Perhaps,  you are feeling lack of protection or security to your sister and that is why you had this lighting vent out.

  3. 35 years ago I was on the roof of my older brothers house along with my Dad and 2 other brothers. We were trying to get the roof covered before an approaching storm. The sky was clear overhead but a storm was about 6 miles away. Lightning struck the house and knocked us all out cold. The pitch of the roof was not that steep so no one fell off. A helper on the ground saw us all lying motionless and presumed we were all dead. It felt like a great force pushing me down while the sound was like dynamite going off, Then, nothing, no pain, no sound, nothing. I woke up about a minute later and went from brother to brother to father and we were all okay. Moral of the story? If you DO get hit, it will be quick and painless!

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