
What does living in oblivion mean? Is it something we should be afraid of?

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  1. Living in oblivion is not being aware of what is truly happening in the world around you.  It's being clueless and out of touch with reality.  It's being wrapped up in your own tiny piece of the world and not reaching out and partaking in something bigger than yourself.  It's not making a difference or taking a stand but going through the motions and living an empty, unfulfilled, bland life.  

    I'm not afraid of living in oblivion, because there's no chance I'm going to let my life be reduced to that, and there's no reason for you to accept that either.  Ghandi said, "You must be the change you want to see in the world."  Live like that, and you won't live in oblivion.    

  2. Don't confuse me with the facts.

  3. it's not something to be afraid of. but living in oblivion would make you look stupid.

  4. It means living in darkness - in a meaningless world.   You numb yourself against all sorts of emotions.  You might be in a state of despair, too hence you want to shut out everything around you.  Although it is not something to be afraid of, it is something to be wary about because a life devoid of any feelings, of any concern for oneself or others, or even unaware of time itself is living a life of the dead.  Just remember Gloria Gaynor's "I will survive" and you'll be okay.

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