
What does love feel like?

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Does it feel like when you could be melting on the inside?




  1. Something I've only dreamed of. I suppose it might be an overwhelming feeling of happiness.. the peak of man, but it can turn right on you and make you the most miserable person in the world.. I wish I would experience it..

  2. It is almost the same feeling as the love you have for your family. Love does feel like you melt inside, like everything on your inside is just fluttering. When you see the person you love, they bring a smile to your face, literally. Just by looking at them they make you happy, no matter if you had or are having a bad day. Love is very strong. Now I have to listen to "Love" by John Lennon. But seriously, like others have said, it is something hard to explain. It's euphoria. Love must be an invisible drug to bring on such weird feelings. But a good drug :P

  3. love is something amaizing

    it could make you happier than ever and makes everything arround you looks happy it also can make you the saddest person in the world if it didnt workup or if you missed up ur relationship with the one you love

    when you love someone you feel that you can give urself away for him/her without even expecting a thank you from him/her

    thats how i feel about it

  4. love is just being by someone and not olny feeling spiritually warm but just rich and full of emoition and whenever you see the one you love all you can do is smile for no aparent reason just sit/stand there in a tranfixed state of purebliss like relinquishing a long cold winter with a bountiful spring day and yes like melting like caring so much you would go to the end of the earth and beyond just because they asked you to. some say true love doesn't exist but i say it does its just pure magic and you dont know why but you want to scream to the world your in love. and A LOT of people say that there is no such thing as teenage love. they are wrong i am 14 and i can honestly say that that(opps oxymoron) magical feeling is the most real thing i have ever experienced in my life and no matter what true love is forever and never doubt love. it may be the olny earthly essence that is fully dependable. it will always pull throught for you. its unconditional(READ MY QUESTION FOR FURTHER DESCRIPTION AND PLZ ANSWER MY QUESTION)

  5. Love is the most amazing thing. You have someone always there to listen to any of your problems. You always have them there to give you a hug or kiss or just to tell you everything is okay. When they tell you they love you for the first time you just melt. It's like floating on a cloud.

  6. u should first involve in love to feel it.can not explain in words..........

  7. it feel good.

  8. its a hard thing to explain. its a living nightmare but its wonderful

  9. well for me love feels like u have someone u can always go hug and give a kiss, it feels amazing it feels just wow its hard to describe but you will know what love is once u find it

  10. im pretty sure its different for everyone because nobody can put it into the right words

    love can be a blessing and a curse at times, but you would know when you feel it

  11. I wonder myself. I've felt something like it before but it ended.

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