
What does mankind owe to China apart from the well known gunpowder,compass,paper?

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What does mankind owe to China apart from the well known gunpowder,compass,paper?




  1. maybe highheel shoes          "Celadon" china  ,   the I Ching = linare measurments      perhaps the oldest of languages.    

  2. Apparently we owe China (through Marco Polo) PASTA, for which I'm eternally grateful.

  3. silk, tea

  4. Most of the food that we consider Chinese is probably an American invention, but there is no doubt that their culinary skills are excellent. They were masters of arts such as ceramics, calligraphy and idyllic painting. The practical and humanistic thinking of Confucious warmed the cold logic of the Greek philosophers. The dominance of the family in their cultural values gives their children the foundation that propels them to the top of virtually every non-Chinese educational establishment that they attend.

    Finally, their Confusian understanding of human nature makes the Western, egalitarian precepts of modern social engineering, appear ludicrous to them.  That is why they will be the next major World power.

  5. Gun powder of course was used to for fireworks and toys. It was the Europeans who chose to incorporate it into making projectiles for warfare. There are also reports of the Chinese sailing to the America's before Columbus. They were noted as the first to engineer mechanisms that worked like machinery. Also, along with paper, they were also the first to create a printing press. Besides those items, I believe the greatest contribution the Chinese have made was pasta noodles. Without it, the Italians would only have meatballs and pizza. Then there are a few items like chopsticks, however most of the world does not use them and the West believes it to be primitive (only because they don't know how to use them)


  6. all the cheap c**p at WALMART

  7. What we dont owe them would probably be a shorter list.

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