
What does martial arts teach you? (i.e. respect, discipline....)?

by Guest60631  |  earlier

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please be specific need information for an essay.




  1. self defense...

  2. Do your own research.  Geez!  Do you frequent Yahoo! Answers much?  Do you really want these folks writing your essay for you?

    Here's a bit for you.  Martial arts doesn't teach you anything more than how to fight.  What people take from any given art depends entirely upon the teaching style of the instructor as well as the attitude of the student.  If a student doesn't want to be respectful or honorable, then no one can make him.

  3. In addition to self defense, a good martial arts class should teach you to be respectful to others, modest and not go around starting fights or arguments, rather defending yourself when you have to. It also teaches you to commit yourself to something, rather than quitting not long after you start. It can also help you to develop more self confidence. For example, the 5 Taekwondo tenets are:

    Courtesy (Ye Ui)

    Integrity (Yom Chi)

    Perseverance (In Nae)

    Self Control (Guk Gi)

    Indomitable Spirit (Baekjul Boolkool)

    In my opinion though, these are things that people should have in the first place and not need to be taught. A lot of the time, schools focus less on the philosophy of martial arts though, and if someone does a martial art solely to learn how to fight better, they'll probably disregard the philosophies involved anyway. So knowing a martial art certainly does not make you a better person than anyone else. Hope this helps you a bit with your essay.

  4. respect, confidence, your own strengths and limitations.  You know you might be better off actually asking an instructor.

  5. cut peoples heads off of course!

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