
What does mg/h stand for? Referring to medical units of measurement

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Just doing some research and trying to find out what mg/h stands for referring to doses of drugs.




  1. Milligrams per hour. Its a liquids measurement, probably done by IV

  2. I would guess milligrams per hour.  It seems like it would be an IV measurement.

  3. I think it is milligrammes per hour.

  4. 1) mg/h= milligrams per hour

    2) depends on what your giving.  Usually the needle is measured in mL's (milliliters), but insulin syringes are measured in U's (units)

    Each bottle of medication is labeled by concentration, or however many milligrams or micrograms are in each milliliter.

    3) morpine dosages depend on the size of the patient, the amount of pain they're in, and the amount their blood pressure can tollerate (morphine is also a vasodilator).  Usually we get orders on an ambulance for 2-10mg via IV, however I've had orders for up to 20mg IV in someone who cut a few fingers off with a bandsaw.  And that's just pre-hospital.  I've seen them give more once they get to the ER & find out they can still tollerate a larger dose!

  5. mg =  milligrammes a hundredth of a gram


    h = blood = hemoglobin's  

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