
What does military and P.O.W. experience have to do with Political experience?

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What does military and P.O.W. experience have to do with Political experience?




  1. He knows how to fight battles for campaign donations and being a prisoner of special interests is easier to endure.

  2. If you are talking about the President, he is the Commander in Chief of the military. A little experience might be helpful.

  3. nothing.

  4. With McCain's age as a factor he must use every trick in the book for votes  now can you tell me it has not hooked on phonics many a voter!

  5. Well little timmy, The military gives experience in leadership. It also say I love this country enough that I'm willing to defend it. The POW experience show that if one can survive that they can lead us through h**l and win. Neither of those obama has. McCain also has approx. thirty years in the senate.

  6. who do you think can hold up to the stress of being President better, one who has been put under more stress than most people can imagine or one whos life has been a cake walk...

    always nosnod  

  7. It is something McCain opponents use to somehow "discredit" McCain without acknowleging his 20+ years of service in the US Senate.

    McCain does not run on the POW platform.  

  8. Absolutely none.

    It just means you were held against your will and you didn't die before you were released.

  9. Military experience helps you to better understand foreign policy which is critical in maintaining America as the lone super power. This is simply something a lib wouldn't understand because none have served in the military. The same could be asked of Allahbama. What does being a community organizer have to do with being president of the greatest country in the history of civilization?

  10. It impresses the likes of Putin and the KGB.   And says when the going gets tough you can take the heat.

    The President is first and foremost command-in-chief, and needs to keep the military in line.

  11. McCain's 25 years of foreign diplomacy is what makes him for more qualified than Obama!  Being a six years POW just proves he will die for his country.  It safe to say Obama wouldn't!

  12. His time in the Senate is experience, military shows his dedication to his country and his character DUH

    BTW: look up how many pork barrel projects he's put through in all his years Vs Obama in his short tenure...........

  13. Nothing, but he's got political experience, too. You might want to rephrase your question.

  14. McCain has more than just military experience. Just like Obama's VP pick, McCain has been in Washington for a very long time.

    The military experience is important, because the president is the overall leader of the military..

  15. It is certainly better than having neither one.

  16. looool...exactly! It has nothing to do with that!'=]

  17. I don't know.  Both Bushes had military experience and Clinton had known.  Most historians will recognize Clinton as the better of the three.

    Plus, have you ever heard of Tail-Gate?  A lot of fly boys like McCain use to treat the Military as one big Frat party.  For example:  McCain cheated repeatedly on his first and current wife.

  18. It doesn't.  26 years in the Senate, plus an understanding of how our military works, does.

  19. what does community organizer have to do with a President???? or just 150 days in the senate???

  20. Nothing...but serving as a Senator for 26 years does.

  21. Great question!  It's completely obvious that it has nothing to do with political experience but, more importantly, it has nothing to do with serving as President of the United States.  This is the most important job in the world and, who can deny, that intellect is by far the most important attribute one must have to make good decisions?  Senator Obama has a Mensa brain, while McCain finished in the bottom five in his class.  Isn't the correct candidate a no-brainer?

  22. Military service sure seemed to matter to the Democrats when john Kerry ran 4 years ago or every time they trotted out a "veteran" to discredit President Bush. So which is it?

  23. None, zero, zip.  h**l, I spent 7 years in the Army.  Trust me, I am not one that you would want running our country.  Especially with the mental problems that being deployed to Iraq has left me with.

  24. It shows great character in a person.  How they react in harsh situations.

    Obama doesn't have political or military experience, but I suppose that's OK.

  25. In the military, you have to lead people.  Guess what, that's what politicians are supposed to do.

    But you're right.  McCain's several decades of military experience pales in comparison with Obama's complete lack thereof, and does nothing to prepare him to lead the entire military.

  26. Military service might be of value if you commanded a large army which involves major decisions and administration.  General MacArthur and General Eisenhower probably had qualifying experience. However, lower level jobs in the military like serving as a pilot or finance officer or Regimental commander would be of limited value.

    POW experience has no effect on qualifications.  

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