
What does mitochondria mean?

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plzz help me out i need d anser !!




  1. Mitochrondria are are organelles of a eukaryotic cell responsible for cellular respiration, that is, the production of energy (in the form of ATP) from glucose and oxygen.

    Hope this helps = ]

  2. they are the "powerhouses" of a cell and provide energy through ATP production

  3. cell organelle responsible for CELLULAR RESPIRATION. Usually to produce rich energy for the body to use.

    C6H12O6 + 6O2 ----> 6H2O + 6CO2 + ATP(energy)

    glucose + oxygen ---> water + carbon-dioxide + energy

    hope this helps^_^

  4. it's one of the organelles in a eukaryotic cell. it's also sometimes called the "powerhouse" of the cell because they generate most of the ATP used in the organism.

    hope that helps.

  5. An organelle containing enzymes responsible for producing energy.

    More information you can get here

  6. You mean "what are mitochondria"?

    These are subcellular organelles ("organs" of the cell) that are responsible for cellular respiration.  That is, in their function, they contain some of the enzymes (proteins with catalytic activity) of Krebs cycle, particularly the one that perform an oxidation or dehydrogenation reaction.  They get the electrons from these reactions in the form of NAD or FAD coenzymes, and these coenzymes are the start in a chain of a series of redox reactions that produce a chemical gradient of protons [H+] within the mitochondrial membrane boundary and in which the final oxidant is oxygen gas (O2) itself.  This chemical gradient is then used to produce ATP from ADP and Pi (inorganic phosphate) by an essential mitochondrial protein complex called F0F1-ATPase.  The production of ATP from these redox reactions---called oxidative phosphorylation----is perhaps the most fundamental of pathways in bioenergetics, because ATP is used in many biosynthetic events as well as to maintain cellular homeostasis:  a steady state of chemical reactions that sustain the life of the cell.

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