
What does mittlere mean in german?

by Guest67122  |  earlier

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Google translator says middle.

But mitte is middle.

So what can mittlere mean.




  1. die Mitte = the middle, i.e. noun

    mittlere = middle, i.e. adjective

  2. Elwood is correct. It still means middle. For example, Mittlere Strasse, means the middle street.

  3. mittlere can either be used in the sense of "average" e.g. a man of middle age = ein Mann mittleren Alters

    or it can be used to describe a thing that is in between two other things e.g. die mittlere Person gefällt mir = I like the person between the the two other ones

  4. It is a conjugated variant of "mittel", which is an adjective meaning "middle" or "average". "Mitte" is the NOUN meaning "middle" or "centre". This variant (mittlere) is conjugated to describe a femininum noun in a phrase like "die mittlere Monatslohnhöhe" (the middle/average size of the monthly income).

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