
What does money mean to you?

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is it important to be rich?




  1. I believe that being rich will give you many things in life.

    You'd get a better education for your children, you wouldn't have to worry about spending money, going on vacation, and worry about your bills.

    These days, money is the answer to everything.

  2. its not important but it sure helps to be rich

  3. nope I would rather be poor then have a whole lot of money.

  4. if your ugly nothing if your good looking a lot Because if your ugly all the money in the world wont get you laid unless it is with  a prostitute. Those rich guys with the hot girlfriends would leave them in a heartbeat and do when they hit hard times. If you are good looking its just icing on the cakeMost guys fantasize that they would get nicer girls but those are just pimp fantasies. I dream about cars and houses. Women will stay the same. . oh yeah the question? freedom and independence economic that is what money helps.If you already have it you wont be too happy with money.

  5. Money is a means to an end, not an end in itself. Think of it as you would any tool to make the job easier. On the other hand, money can't buy happiness, but it sure beats the h**l out of being poor!

  6. Not much.  It's troublesome, but somehow, there's always money around me.  I lend out a lot to friends.  They call me ATM Machine...I hate it.  Is it important to be rich?  Depends what you mean by rich.  I don't wanna be a stuck up s****. filthy rich person.  But having enough money to support my needs is important to me.

  7. yes it is important to be rich.

  8. Nothing, I have money but I don't have love. I rather have love.

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