
What does music mean to you?

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in your own word's what does music mean to you?




  1. Music is history, art, experience, learning, opportunity, emotions. Music is an expression of every aspect of human life. Just a simple song has the power to remove you from the present time and produce a memory at once. For me, when I hear old songs, I feel like I want to be in that time. Like 50's 60's etc. You can just feel it in the melody. Music is a very powerful tool, and it is amazing just the same.

  2. Music is my greatest connection to my innermost self. It keeps me sane and jolts my imagination. It is the best friend I can't remember, the shadow on a shadow-less day, the parent who consistently soothes me, and the one who will always be there, has always been there, when everything else is gone. Music and my feelings about it are the only true constants in my life.

  3. The abdication of philosophical consideration.

  4. For me, music is a representation of everything we feel. I think it might be one of many ways that God proves He exists.

    Music doesn't judge

    We can make music

    Music touches people

    Music reaches people

    The lyrics and the notes

    the harmonies and the clashes

    All show what we feel

    Conflict and resolution. Music is sort of what the human race is.

    It is how if we work together, we can create a symphony, but if we push and yell and don't listen to what others have to say, we clash and become a jumbled up mess.

    Music is otherworldly, and it is human.

  5. Music is my world away from this world. Nobody can tell me what music I like or what music I hate. I can listen to everything and anything. The songs keep my world spinning and me moving. Without music I would not be able to express my personality fully.

  6. music is everything to me. its my life, my inspiration, my strength. it has gotten me through tough times without forgetting happy times. it transports me to another universe. music makes me believe in life. and keeps me hanging on when im about to let go.

  7. Have you ever enjoyed the complete bliss of awareness or consciousness? Have you ever completely internalised, to be one with yourself and your inner soul? Very unlikely to recall such  an experience.

    The external disturbances and our own mental make up do not allow us the chance to even taste what it is to be in bliss. However, there can be some experiences , in life and in living , that tell you a litttle bit , what is that bliss that we are talking about. By knowing that  , even for a few minutes or seconds we can slowly expand that time by purposely seeking  such experiences.

    On the lower end of that spectrum , one can say , is the most commonly refered o****m, a feeling of  ecstacy . But that lasts for a fleeting few seconds and serves a certain purpose.

    Music  is another such  way to experience that closeness to the soul or the consciousness. Unlike o****m , Music takes us and keeps us for a much longer time in that  experience. That is why , when a beautiful music comes to an end  you are abrupty brought back to the earth from that serene feelings of ecstacy.

    Like music , there are other avenues for enjoying that bliss .

  8. Music  is the soul of mother nature. Go outside and just listen. you'll hear the melody of the earth. That's why we love it so much. It's like a little peice of magic that we get to keep all to ourselves.

  9. its not my whole life to me like alot of people but when i am mad or sad or scared i can listen to my favorite song and it makes me feel better. its the only time know one is yelling or mad at me.

  10. Not my own words but Shakespeare said: "If music be the food of love, play on". And I totally agree with that. Music shares my grief, music gives me happiness, music enhances my joy.  

  11. Music is a pretty big part of my life. I love it. If I'm feeling down, the right song can make me smile. It relaxes me, gets me moving, makes me cry, makes me laugh...I especially like songs I can relate to. I'm a dork. : )

    Ok, so my answer is a little simpler than previous answers...

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