
What does my 8 wk old puppy look like shes mixed with?

by Guest44538  |  earlier

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i know she is mixed the previous owner said she was a pit but i know shes a mix i dont even know if she has pit in her help please i wanna know what yall think she may have i her i think she looks like she could have part rotti or doberman in her somewhere cuz she has lighter tan in the usual spots i posted earlier but wanted to fix the info




  1. I see Pit Bull and Red Doberman.  Possibly something else but those seem to be the predominant breeds.

  2. I see doberman and lab.

    Her eyes are very pretty.

  3. She's gorgeous!

    But could be anything... My first pick is German Shepherd, then possibly Chocolate Lab.

    She's not thick enough for a Rotti. I can see Doberman, though, now that you mention it.

  4. what a pretty dog.  She looks like doberman to me.  With that short coat.  I would expect her head to be broader if it were rotti.  She really doesn't look lik she had pit in her.  What about wieimeriener or viszla.  I don't know that i see lab.  Maybe it will get easier to tell when she gets older.  Also she may be a supermix, if both her parents were mixed to.  She is so pretty.

  5. With her gorgeous green yellow eyes and copper colored fur and nose, she honestly looks to me like a visla mix, look them up, they are gorgeous dogs...

  6. sorry idk. but she issoooo cute....=)

    i like her.

  7. I don't see no rottie in her......I do see American staffordshire terrier.......I don't know about chocolate lab even look at some pics on the web of chocolate lab puppies does not look at all like it.......don't see no dob in her either......But if your happy with her who cares if she is mix....She is a cutie.  Enjoy your pup.

  8. Aw how cute! She kind of looks like a puggle. To me i think her parents were mixes to so she could be like 4 things maybe pug pit rot tie and lab? Or even her parents parents could have been mixed too then she would be like 8 things. So there's loads of possibilities. But the vet can tell you.

  9. I'm thinking that she is prolly pit/doberman mix because she has the head of a pit and the color and body of a doberman


  11. i could def see pit bull in her. she is so cute! those eyes are too cute! possibly even weimereiner...idk how to spell lol! but i could be wrong! maybe some lab?!  

  12. chocolate lab/pitt maybe.

    she is frickin adorable.  

  13. Its hard to tell since she's just 8 weeks but she definitely looks like a Pit mix.  Maybe Pit/Doberman or Pit/Lab

  14. She looks like she may have some chocolate lab in her also.

  15. she looks like a pit shep mix

  16. In a couple of the pics she looks like a lab.  She's cute.

  17. Definitely looks Pit, and since that's what you were told she is it's probably a good bed.  Pointer puppies tend to look like AmStaffs or Pits though until they get a little older and their heads narrow out, so it's possible she's Pit/Pointer in one parent and the previous owner didn't figure it out....  And if she's Pit/Pointer/Lab it would make a lot of sense too.  Her face reminds me of Pointer/Lab mixes a lot, though Pit/Lab tends to have more of an AmStaff face than she seems to have...

    Doberman would certainly explain the narrower muzzle, possibly better than Pointer.

    You can get a doggy DNA test from your vet, but I think it costs about $150.

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