
What does my bf want me to do?

by  |  earlier

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My bf and I were talking on the phone and he said "when can I see you?" and I was like "how about Monday?" Then he's like "okay so what do you want to do when I see you?" so then I said "well what we normally do you know talk hangout cuddle..." Then he said "Are you sure theres nothing else you want to do?" and I'm like "um I don't think so" then he said "your sure?" and I didn't know what he meant by that like what does he want me to do?I'm so confused...




  1. He probly jus wants to take your friendship to another level maybe all the hugging and cuddling makes him feel you are ready to take it up a notch.The best way to find out is to ask him if he cant come up with a response and  keeps trying top flip it on you maybe it will be best to stay friends because he has alot of growing up to do if he cant express how he feels

  2. he wannts you to go down on him then bend over!! your dumb..

  3. He wants you to open your arms to cuddle, and open your legs/mouth for more...

  4. go down on him it always make a smile and a bond i am not kidding suck a fat dicken every guy likes that

  5. I think he's implying that you do more that just cuddle and stuff.

    Sounds like he wants to go to the next step like s*x or something. I'm not sure if you have gone there yet but if he does just say you'll wait until you feel your ready to proceed to that step

    It how confortable you fel when you wantto move into anything more serious.

  6. See the pattern here?  Guys answering, and all admitting that your boyfriend wants more physical contact than just cuddling.

    However, the only way to really find out what your boyfriend wants... is to ask HIM.  Only he knows what is going on in his head.

  7. Easy to answer in " girls language", he's ready to move to the next level. Or just plain english, he looking for s*x.  

  8. more than cuddling..more intimacy....

  9. i think he kiss you and stuff instead of just cuddling i mean you can only cuddle for so long before wanting more maybe hes bored with cuddling if you do it alot

  10. It sounds like he really wants to have s*x with you, but if your not comfortable with it then don't give in, or maybe hes not the guy for you, he has to respect your wishes.

  11. Lol dude he wants more than cuddling.

    Wow and we thought guys were clueless about hints lol.

    Dang. Well go call him and tell him what you want to do. ^_^

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