
What does my boyfriend have???

by Guest65254  |  earlier

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he has a 101 fever and is breathing really heavily. he had chest pains but they dont hurt as much right now. USually after he eats a big meal the middle of his chest hurts and his upper stomach/abdomen buldges out. he burps A LOT andfeels like he has warmth or heartburn in his chest. The front side of his neck/throat was sore this morning when he pushed on his glands or swallowed. He walked across the room to turn his fan off and layed back down compltely out of breath. He felt dehydrated as well and was drinking water saying he thinks it was helping.

He usually gets heartburn/chest pain after eating a lot. He also burps a lot normally as well. His mother is saying its the flu but i completely disagree. Im afraid its something to do with his heart becsue of his shortness of breath.

I went to and looked up his symptoms and when i read the symtpoms and description of a Hiatal hernia it sounded just like it. what are the chances this is what it is? he is 18 years old, fairly active, eats a good amount, and doesnt drink a lot of water.

please, any help is greatly appreciated... im raelly worried about him.

also, hes goingi to the doctors tomorrow morning first thing.




  1. Sounds to me like Glandular Fever. Very common at his age and symptoms include fatigue/tiredness, sore glands and can be mistaken for the flu. Good thing you're sending him to the doctor because it can be a very bad illness and can last for months. You usually get it from contact with other people they sometimes call it the 'kissing disease'. Hope this helps. =)

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