
What does my disturbing dream mean?

by Guest61756  |  earlier

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I was in my living room in my current home, and my "pet female cat" went into labor. (I don't own a female cat.)

And I was taking care of the mother, and helping the kittens get to the milk or something.

And then the mother suddenly stopped making milk.

And all the babies started mewling and crying.

And within minutes they started to die.

They all died in accordance to the order of their birth *first to be born was first to die*. There were five kittens I think.

And I was trying to help them, but I couldn't.

And they just died in my fingers.

It really scared me! I woke up crying, and I cry just thinking about it. I'm a pretty average 16 year old girl.




  1. Oh!  My heart goes out to you because of this dream!  I can just imagine how it hurts just to think about it.  Right now, our Momma cat is trying to wean her babies, and we don't think they are quite ready, and we're feeling angry with her!  But for a Mom's milk to dry up so quickly, and for the babies to die right in your fingers!  OH!  I FEEL for you.  I felt that way trying to save some baby birds.  It was awful.

    Are there some people in your life who need to be nurtured or nourished that are not getting what they need?  Emotionally?  Spiritually? or in any other way?

    You have a heart to nurture, and it seems there are some people you feel responsible for.  ARE you somewhat responsible for them?  Who is failing them?  Is there another source for them to get the food they needs?

    In the case of newborn kittens, the only thing you can do is to get or make kitten formula and use a baby bottle.  It would take round the clock care to take care of them.  But, if there were a few people committed to doing it, it wouldn't be TOO hard.  For only one, it would be very difficult, especially if this person has other responsibilities as well.

    I'm thinking perhaps the need is a spiritual one.  You have found yourself in the position to see a need, and you want to meet it.

    Remember, you are not the Mother.  If the need is spiritual, it is the job of the Holy Spirit to nourish these dear ones.  The milk from God, does not dry up, though human care givers and teachers may fail.  You can "model" what they need to see, by feeding yourself spiritually from the Word of God, and you can show them where to find the nourishment for themselves.  Most of all, you can pray for them.

    Don't try to BE the Mom, but do offer what support and encouragement you can.  When it gets to be more than you have to give, rest and pray.  Make sure YOU stay built up and strengthened in your own faith.  Even a REAL Momma has to eat to be able to produce milk for her babies!

    Sometimes, when we try to BE everything to someone, they never learn to depend on God for themselves, or grow into what they were meant to be.  Our very weakness encourages the "babies" in our lives to grow, to take responsibility for themselves, and lean on God instead of human props.

    Pray for wisdom.  Ask God to take care of these "babies".  They are His.  He knows you are his hand maiden, willing to help as needed.  Just don't get confused and try to do His job, ok?



  2. someone you know needs your help,but you feel helpless to do so,or your concious is telling you not to get involved for your own   this is just a thought up guess,,, no medical or anything like that involved....

  3. it means you want to help something you have no controll over, but you really want to help and you think you cant do anything about it. the kittins represents something delacate and presious, you need to think about anything you might lose or fear of losing.

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