I'm aware that consuming a lot of salt usually raises one's blood pressure. However, my blood pressure is very low, almost unhealthily so, and it has been this way all my life with no explanation. I've also always put what my brother would jokingly call "ten times the lethal dose" of salt on everything I eat that's not sweet. I even salt my salt and vinegar chips because I don't think they come salty enough! Unlike others who have asked this question I DO put so much salt on my food because I love the taste, and I almost never eat things unless they are salted, because I find that they just taste gross.
I've read somewhere that the sodium intake in the body should correlate to the H2O intake. However that's definitely not the case. All the salt I consume does not make me thirsty, and with breakfast I will have an extremely salty sausage wrap with tea, and at lunch I usually don't even have a drink, or I have lemonade! The only time I drink water all day long is one glass at dinner. Shouldn't I be craving more water if I'm having so much salt? I also hear that salt makes you retain water, maybe I just retain so much water that I'm not thirsty?
Sorry the question is so long winded! Basically I'm wonder why the h**l salt [apparently] fails to affect me, or if there are things other than elevated blood pressure that it causes. Thanks!