
What does my dream about Alton Brown mean?

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He was working at a school (which I did not attend) and I came into his office to visit him. There was tension like we wanted to be together, but weren't supposed to. The principal came into the office and escorted me out. There were little kids lying all over the grass outside, sick from something. I met up with AB outside and we went back to his house and started cooking together, but that tension was still there, like crazy. Every time our hands touched or something it was electric. I *wanted* him. He said he had to go get something and left. Then I was waiting on him, debating whether to follow or not...and I woke up.

What the heck does it mean?

By the way, I don't have an unhealthy obsession with Alton Brown or anything, which makes this dream even weirder.




  1. This would be a very interesting dream to do a gestalt analysis on, but it very difficult to just guess (my usual method) on. Sometimes I think dreams with sexual connotation are skewed by actual sexual craving, but I guess it doesn't mean that it has to render the dream invalid. The school could have been a place of control and safety where you experience some feelings that are perhaps "forbidden" in a sense. You leave the school and the kids are sick because they are outside of the safe orderly place, so they serve as this kind of "you're travelling in unsafe territory" warning (very much like anxiety). The feeling gets more intense at the house because you are in a place without limits where you can actually do whatever it is that you are having some reservations about, but alas, you could not do this (too much anxiety) and you woke up.

    Going with this then, the bottom line is: You are confronting feelings that feel slightly uncomfortable, maybe only because they are new, maybe a bit out of your safety zone, or just that they cause you anxiety (could be good, bad, or both). Confronting or acting on these feelings directly would take leaving your comfort zone or breaking some sort of "rules". Maybe you are afraid of breaking your own limits and boundaries in order to make a new choice or pursue something currently in your life, and the thought of doing that is anxiety provoking.

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