
What does my dream about drowning in blood mean?

by  |  earlier

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I had this dream where i'm drowning in a bowl of something, like a huge water tower full of blood and i'm drowning in it. Like i can't swim. help this dream scared me, and I can't eat or drink anything that has the color of blood now without feeling anxious and nacisous.




  1. Water represents fear of the unknown, and blood represents your heritage.

    You're probably adopted and don't know it yet.

  2. Well, most dreams have to do with something in the back of your mind. If you have a fear of water, or a fear or blood, then that could trigger the dream. If you have a doctors appointment that your nervous about or something, that may have something to do aswell. Hope this helps

  3. You are carrying  a big baggage from the past At some point in your life [not to far ago ] you lost all ; well almost   all your friends ; and it was very devastating for you and it still not completely gone or heal Also you have a hard time to express your true feelings with your friends and even your relative ; so there lots of unresolved issues and its choking you in your dream

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