
What does my dream about this girl mean?

by  |  earlier

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Last night, I had a dream about this girl that I had hardly talked to. She was a soph. and I ws a junior last year. Anyway, in the dream she came into a room I was in & pointed me out to her friend "that's him, that's him" then her fried left and we flirted. What does this dream mean? Is it a sign? Should I start talking to the girl?




  1. heck, talk to any girl, talk to lots of em...what's the hangup?  At least you didnt flirt with your mom or a blood zombie.  That would be creepy.

  2. hhaah perv. jk =) but i think if u had a dream about her u must have her on ur mind alot but dont be so sure u lyk her just becouse u had a dream about her.

  3. As a dream interpreter usually we see the underlying thing in dreams not the surface but in some cases it's what it is.

    IN your case this dream is exactly's expressing yoru feelings towards her. Your subconcious is playing out what you would like in real life.

    I'd say sure try talking to her you never know.

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