
What does my dream mean? Does it have any significance to my life now?

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I just can't shake this dream. It has really bothered me. Me and my husband got into a fight the night before I dreamed this. I am very frustrated with the way our financial situation is going. I make more money than he does, and I feel at times he tries to get by doing as little work as possible. I also want a child but I feel I don't want one until he can take care of me and he gets his drinking under control some more. He's not drunk every night but he drinks anywhere from 3-10 beers, 5 out of seven days in the week. So there's my situation and here is my dream.

I dreamed I was in this house with my mother and there was all of these supernatural beings around me. The most vivid part of my dream was when I was told not to mess with the baby spirit. I could see the baby spirit and it frightened me very bad. The baby spirit was calm unless you messed with it. I don't know if someone spoke this to me in my dream or I just knew it, but it was like a voice told me that the spirit was very powerful, the most powerful out of all the spirits. I had to touch it and aggrivate it anyway. It looked up at me with an evil look in its face and blew me physically back, like a bomb had went off beside me. I was so frightened that I took a gun and shot myself in the head. I blacked out in my dream and I heard all these people coming around me. I could still hear them even though I was suppose to be dead. I survived my suicide attempt. I had blood matted all in my hair but I was up walking around. I couldn't believe I was still alive but there was still chaos going on around me.

I have never dreamed of committing suicide and I have never had suicidal thoughts. This dream was very disturbing to me and I'm having a hard time letting it go. Does this dream have any significance to my life now?




  1. Buildings - especially houses - represent the self.  The house is a representation of who you are at the time, and the beliefs and emotions going on inside of you.  You said the baby spirit was the most vivid part of your dream, possibly reinforcing your desire to have a child.  A spirit suggests something intangible that may be haunting but not actually within your reach.  The fact that things between you and your husband are not ideal probably doesn't do much to stem the feelings you have toward starting a family, and having him take care of you for once.  Your dream touches on harsh, negative emotions - evil, absolute fear, and the hopelessness associated with suicide.  I don't think your mind conjured the image of suicide as a literal suggestion, but a more as figurative glimpse of something you are struggling with internally.  Obviously you are frustrated with your husband and maybe subconsciously there are days when you wish you could walk away from this constant source of hurt and aggravation, effectively ending the pain.  This could tie into the baby, too, as babies also commonly suggest a new idea or a rebirth of thought that is trying to take hold within you.  The supernatural beings were all around you in the beginning of the dream, and people continued to be around you even after your suicide attempt.  It sounds like there is an idea or desire within you for something that seems so out of reach (perhaps a baby, increased financial or emotional support from your husband, or even something else in your life).  Whatever it is, you want it for a reason.  Try to work on the things that are causing you personal anguish and everything else will fall into place.        

  2. its just a dream

    easy 10 points

  3. Well, I don't think your dream had anything to do with being suicidal really. I think it means that right now you feel like you're not ready to have a baby becuase of the stress it would put on you (which is why you commit suicide in your dream) So, I don't think it has much significance to your life now...

    just that maybe you feel like you want a baby, but you're not really ready yet :D  

  4. Your dream indicates all your feelings that you maybe suppressing.   The baby that you cannot touch represents the baby you can, but are smart enough to not have right now because of the difficulty in your marriage  The suicide the dream represents your feelings of your marriage dying.  The supernatural beings are all different parts of you, each representing a different emotion, and they surround you as you are lying on the floor bleeding to try to help you - as you need help with your marriage and your husband's problems.     Have you tried giving your husband a good kick in the rear end an ultimatum - grow up or get out - I was in a relationship with someone for 2 years, who pulled the same nonsense on me - he knew I had some money, so he would start leaving work earlier and earlier, then he annoyed me for money to pay his bills, to pay child support for his kid, etc....I got fed up with him, and broke it off - and now am happily married to a good, hardworking man who loves me and we have 3 beautiful children.  Of course its not as easy to break up with someone when you are legally married to them, but it maybe your only way out for your own peace of mind.  

  5. do you seriously expect me to read that............anyhoo, cheers for the 2 points

  6. Google it.

  7. what she said.  (beans4brains) LOL

    (that account is suspended! *drat*)

    But i stick by my answer.

    Good Luck honey



  8. this means nothing. dreams are your mind exercising its creativity in odd ways

  9. of course it bears relavance.

    Dreams are our mind's way working out our problems, (fears, worries, concerns, happiness and circumstances and experiences) subconsciously.

    Your dream is obviously related to the present circumstances of your life; and the spiritual battle related to alcoholism and addiction.

    (Addiction is a powerful thing)

    In real life, you are depressed about these circumstances and you feel like they cannot be fought, and that every time you do, things get worse and out of control; so you feel hopeless; hence why you try to kill yourself in the dream.

    If you're relgious, then the spiritual significance is obvious. If you aren't then i would suggest learning to pray, and trusting God to help you make right decisions (which may include leaving your spouse) IF things do not improve. Divorce isn't recommended by religious people, BUT it IS permissible under certain circumstances (don't be fooled by fundamentalists). God does not enjoy people being tormented, no matter in which form the torment takes.

    Alcoholism effects the ENTIRE FAMILY UNIT, not just the person of whom is addicted to drinking.  I would say, you should probably seek counselling (from AA) or one of their outlest to better learn how to cope with an alcoholic spouse.

    My Mom did, and it helped her .... just a little.

    Good Luck to you.



  10. It just a dream and you having it because the problem you are having in your life seek help with your marriage and for yourself

  11. Suicide

    To dream that you commit suicide, denotes that conditions in your life is so frustrating that you are no longer willing to cope with a situation or relationship in the same way as you did in the past. Alternatively, you may be unable to overcome feelings of guilt and thus turning the aggression on yourself.  On a more positive note, it may suggest that you are saying good-bye to one aspect of yourself or character that your have been carrying around

  12. ya, disturbing dream. have u given your life 2 God? Pray to him and ask 4 help, let him guide your life. don't worry about your dream, but i sugest that u look into Gods word for help. God will guide u through this difficult time in your life, because you are his creation and he loves u, he's just waiting 4 u to let him in. :)

  13. hes not drunk every night yet but he will be eventually.

    also remember booze is also called "spirits"

    the baby signifies your husband and he blows up when you mess with him

    go to ala-non

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