
What does my dream mean!? Please I really want to know!

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I had a dream where I was being taught to draw and Tim Burton was my teacher. But instead of drawing on paper, I drew in the air in this space that had the outline of a large board, but nothing to actually draw on. The setting looked kind of like the inventors mansion in the Edward Scissorhands movie, but with no windows. All the things that I was trying to draw were kinda of scary looking things that Tim Burton would put in his movies. (Nightmare Before Christmas; for example) I was able to draw, like a pro at one point in the dream, and then I wasn't able to anymore. As my teacher was trying to help me 'cus I sucked we fell in love, but instead my teacher changed from Tim Burton to Edwar Scissorhands. Then the next part of the dream was that I was in bed hiding from the people trying to get Edward, and the people outside of my window thought I was him. And when I get outside the people still think I am him, but then the real Edward comes out and I see that he has regular hands and I was shocked. Then the car behind Edward blows up, and Edward blows up along with it, and his body is on the ground, and it was kind of like a robot but with skin.I picked up his body and ran away, but the city kept shaking like bombs were being dropped and I was thinking what the h**l was going on. As I was trying to run away Ice man (From X-men) helped me get across from one the city I was in, over to Las Vegas. Between those two moments I lost Edwards body. Next, I was in Vegas working as a nude dancer trying to investigate what happened to him(In the dream he was supposed to be still alive). Then I see a name for a band called like muffin tops or something and I was thinking it was a clue, and then I was walking through the casino and I get pulled over to this table with two guys, and I start making fun of their furry purses. And then the dream ends.

I know your probably thinking I watch too much TV, but I haven't watched and Tim Burton or Edward Scissorhands movie for at least 3 months, and I pretty much never talk about it.




  1. Its a long story ,write a novel.

  2. well here it goes from my book of illustrated dreams lol...i tried to pick up different symbols in your dream n this is what i found hope i helped :)

    DRAWING- drawing in a dream generally indicates good health, sociability and sympathy from those around you

    FALLING IN LOVE- this means that someone loves you and may tell you very soon.

    HANDS- have always been regarded as a way of expressing ones state of mind and emotions in a way that words cant. if the hands were clean a career matter will be resolved.

    BOMB- definiatly not a bad omen as one may think indicating heated but friendly discussions with people or an impending gift.

    EXPLOSION- signifies well deserved recognition of your acheivements.

    i think your dream is generally a good omen and something good is going to happen to you very soon :)

  3. Haha! XD It just about made me happy! (I'm in a bad mood.. not alot of sleep) And then I thought is there any other reason to this dream except pure twisted fun? I mean come on, Edward Scissorhands, Ice Man, FURRY PURSES? What could be any better? .. Well I guess you could have put Willy Wonka in there somewhere- maybe an Oompa Loompa or two?

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