
What does my dream mean? about grandma who passed away?

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In February, my grandmother passed away. She lived with my family and I, so it was very upsetting for us. For the first couple of months, it was hard but lately I've been fine with it.

Well anyways, last night I had a dream that I was sitting in my living room and my grandma was next to me. I was asking her things about dying and after death. I remember I asked her if its like falling asleep and dreaming but forever and never waking up. She said no, there are no dreams because shes dead. She then told me when she first died she did see a light and a shadowy figure in front of it. I also remember I asked her if its ok dying, but I can't remember her answer. The only other thing I remember is that I couldn't stop hugging her. Then I woke up.

I have always been afraid of death and always wanted to know what its really like. I get panic attacks when I think about death.

I heard that if you dream about somebody who died, and they actually speak to you... its really them contacting you through your dream. Has anybody else heard of this? This dream has been on my mind all day and I can't stop thinking about it. This was the first dream I have had about her since her death.

I don't know what to think of this.




  1. You are dreaming about her because you are thinking about her. Most of the time we dream of things we are or have been thinking of. For instance. One day out of the blue I can see something that reminds me of someone and I think of that person for a split second never thinking of him/her again, and that night or a few nights later I will have a dream about them. It's just the way our minds work. People that are very important to us, including those who have passed remain in our minds forever, meaning just because they are no longer here doesn't mean we cant dream about them.  The mind is a powerful tool, more than you know. Everyone is fearful of death, but we cant let it control our lives. Dont do that to yourself. No-one knows what death is really like. That is the one thing we have no answer to.Just enjoy your life and the time you have here on earth.You will never get accurate answers to death until your there.  

  2. It happens to more people then you would think.

    It is the spirit (soul) of your Grandma coming to visit you and letting you know that she is ok, but also easing your fears. She wants to let you know that there is life after death and that she is not "gone", but still part of your life. Her way of communicating with you is just different now. I am almost certain you will have a dream with her in it again soon.

    When my Grandpa passed away, he came to me every night for two months, helping me get over the "loss".

  3. Ohh my gosh this happened to me.

    My grandmother passed away a few years ago now :( and yes like your's she lived with me and my family.

    Because you was talking to her its meant to mean

    [if you believe in this stuff] :

    That she is contacting you and is still 'with you' and that she is near by :) Because you as so close to her, her presence is never wanting to leave you alone :).

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