
What does my dream mean ( about the dead )?

by  |  earlier

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ok this is so out of this world

i went to bed after a long night of reading and talking to friends about a friend we lost not to long ago anyways in my dream i was walking into a house and it was so dark so i turned on the lights i saw a cat with long hair and a lady whom i never met before she asked me how i was and where have i been?? i was like im fine thanks and i have just been out shoping she said ok now that your back you can help with this cat i was like ok

then i heard some voices and went to see who is also in the house and i saw no one but i did hear this mans voice calling my name and he asked me to come to him i was yelling i can find you and he said to keep looking he was with me now ok i am realy getting scared and then start to cry now why i am not sure ..

then i turn to leave the house and ran into the friend i lost who was killed almost 2 years ago by a drunk driver he looked at me and said i have missed you and put his arms around me and said not to cry ok now i jump out of bed and look around me now that i am awake

everything was peaceful i open the door to let my dog out side and omg their was a long hair cat at my frount door my heart droped

anyone have weard dreams like this???

what in the h**l does it mean




  1. I was listening to "Sweet dreams" on my Ipod and then I decided to turn on the radio and what happens..."Sweet dream are made of these." comes on the radio after I just got thru listening to it on my Ipod, strnage.....

  2. I have weird dreams all the time.  Basically, they don't mean diddly.

  3. I've had many weird dreams. I've even had dreams that came true. In this case I think your friend was trying to tell you that he's okay.

  4. Was it the same long haired cat from your dream or a different colour?

    To be honest, I think as you were with your frinds, chatting, you were thinking about your friend you missed, and went to bed and then dreamt of them. You miss that person!!!

    So when you let your dog out, it was a coincidence here was a cat out there as cats are everywhere at night.

  5. Your dream don't mean anything special except that you have been eating to late at night.

  6. You have death on your mind and your were stressed.

    So your brain is trying to work through some fear and confusion.

  7. It has nothing to do with h**l...Your friend wanted to let you know that he or she was in good hands. I think the cat may have been an angel, the one who brought you the message....

  8. If you should dream of a deceased person and this person speaks only to you, pay close attention to what the spirit is telling you as it could be very important to you. To dream of seeing a deceased person is normally a dream of warning, and it tells you that the influences around you at this time does not bode well for your affairs, and you should not enter into any binding contracts or verbal agreements until this phase passes.

    Dreaming of a cat is a generally unfortunate omen and it shows treachery as well as a run of bad luck. If you chase the cat away you will overcome your adversaries or turn your bad luck into good. For the cat lovers who dream of cats you have a whole new meaning....if the cat is beautiful you will meet an attractive person who will become your mate. If the cat scratches you then will you meet with treachery and deceit.

    P.S. i got this from idk if i fully believe in it just trying to help.

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