
What does my dream mean and why do i feel this way because of it?

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last night, starting sometime after 5 am and ending at approximately 8, i had a really weird dream i don't remember it that well, but here goes, try to see if you can understand what it means:

my brother, as always, has a huge array of friends over non-stop. one guy brought his friend from another school that my brother doesn't know, and doesn't seem to dislike but he doesn't seem to really care about the guy at all; like he won't really be inviting him over again. he's 15, maybe a TINY bit younger, very dark brown hair that's kinda in front of his face, pretty skinny, very cute. i meet him and he seems really really sweet, i kinda form a tiny crush on him. somehow (i reallyy can't remember how) it comes out that this kid wants me to murder his mom. he might be joking but he seems kinda scary, suicidal, i don't know. we part, he invites me over for dinner at his house, i meet his mom who he pushes so she kinda loses her balance but it seems like he's not trying to hurt her. we hang out, he's really nice, he seems to really like me as a friend. the dream cuts to me watching something on tv, i send him a text asking if he wants to come over. he does, my brother sees his car from where he is and asks why'd you invite HIM over? i just go outside and greet him, it's late at night. we go down to my basement, hangout some, i really am having a great time and he seems like it too. but my mom keeps calling me up to watch something on tv; for some reason i have to watch it for like five minutes then i can hang out with the kid for like twenty and so on... but it gets late and i fall asleep, and when i wake up i run downstairs and he's gone and i don't know if that means he killed his mom or he's dead or what but i missed him. and when i woke up i had this feeling where i really wanted a boyfriend. (btw i'm 13) so do you know what it means?

thanks a lot...





  1. It might mean that you have to care for the persons that loved you before. Your conscience might be affecting your dreams. It might mean that you must love truly and not play the person that cares for you.

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