
What does my dream mean? its really disturbing?

by Guest56810  |  earlier

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in my dream last night i snuck this boy who i am aquaintences with into my house, and into my room. and also his best friend (who is a girl)

we went into my romm and they started like having s*x in my room it was disgusting ewww.

anyways i told them to get out and then the next thing i now i was like half naked with like lingerie on lol and he's like your next and i was cursing him out, and i tried to leave but i couldn't. then he gave me a really serious face and was like"if you don't have s*x with me, i will never talk to you again"

then the door bursted open and i told them to get out before i called the cops. they left and then my stepsister (who lives all the way in north carolina, and im in NY) was there was helping my change back into my normal clothes.. but it was weird because in real life she is a L*****n. lol what the eff was that? lol help




  1. it means you and your stepsister will get it on

    and your friend and his friend will gets it on looool

  2. I really didn't want to read the question, (sorry, lazy), but if you look at the website I posted they can help.

  3. Maybe you like him but you just dont wanna admit it...orr.. your jsut dirty minded:D

    Also it's called a wet dream.. comes with puberty

  4. woah. lol...I have no idea, but...thats a creepy dream. Usually dreams have some kind of meaning, you have to think deeper

  5. This dream is charged with sexual imagery.  It suggests that you are having some sexual frustrations and likely some of your relationships are not going well.   There seems to be a part of you that finds s*x rather disgusting but then another part, the one represented by the lingerie, wants to be in on the action.  However, it appears you are having some problems with males and maybe someone has hurt you.  It is interesting that you end the dream with you L*****n stepsister helping you to dress.  This would either be because she is safe or else the rejection of the male is being represented by her in your dreams.

    Let me know if this helps.

  6. I know what this dream is but you will not believe me and I will get thumbs down from a lot of sinners but here goes. You have a spirit of deception(because you snuck someone in)Those sexual spirits tried to enter into you but praise God you cast them out. Your stepsister represents your sisters in Christ who lifted you up in prayer. Now to God be the Glory for ever more, Amen!

  7. dreams are made up of your concious. everything that goes on in your dreams is what you want or what has happened in the past but it can also get twisted. Like for example maybe you didn't want a threesome but maybe you had sexual desires for this boy.

  8. this means that when you feel threatened by something, you totally shift away. You go from straight s*x, to L*****n.

  9. Dont worry about it. People have werid dreams all the time.

    {dreams arent made}

  10. you are worried

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