
What does my dream mean??????HELP?????

by Guest63361  |  earlier

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i have had a similar dreams twice in a row in both my dreams my brother has been in danger and has got hurt first time he falls out of a window and in the second dream he is hurt by a knife. what does this mean?????




  1. just maybe you are worried that you want to protect him but you feel you cant so in your dreams its showing how you feel.

  2. maybe that u r afraid of ever losing your brother

  3. yuor afraid.

    you want him to stay safe

  4. perhaps you feel an obligation towards your brother and protecting him. when that is out of your control, you feel afraid or distant from him.

  5. have you ever had premunisions? if so maybe he should be careful for a while... don't stress...

    it could mean it's time for you both to become closer, or that maybe he needs your support?

    it could also mean your afraid of losing him, not by death but by something like if he has a new partner, a child, he's planning on moving or changing jobs. anything that may comprimise your time together.

    I'd go have a few beers and a chat and catch up, you'll feel heaps better. goodluck.

    p.s sometimes if you tell your dream to who it's about, that helps.

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