
What does my dream meen????

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Ok, this is really freaky but not scary at all. Heres the dream:

I'm in my shower laying there, sleeping with this humungo poofy dress on, with the shower running!! I have it a lot and its like half hour long! CREEPY!!!!




  1. What's happening at that party that you need to wash off of you?

  2. You feel overwhelmed. An important event is coming up in your life suggestions quincenera, wedding, prom, birthday etc etc and you feel overwhelmed, you have a burden. You can't find the right clothes or you are getting fatter. It may also mean that you may feel uncomfortable, you feel out of place in social events.

  3. One interpretation:

    The poofy is comfort and you're being emotionally cleansed.  It is a good dream.

    You needn't be stressed upon awakening.

    Instead, try and pre-sleep intention (prayer) for God to heal, guide, protect, and guard you.  Image a lovely bright golden-white light in the dream scene before you sleep.  Be grateful that you, your emotions, are being cleansed.

    "Dreams," Marilyn Barrick, Ph.D., is good, as are "Watch Your Dreams," Ann Ree Colton and

  4. You feel guilty about something[could be something small] and you keep dreaming the shower to try to wash away the guilt and this guilt is making you exhausted but you want to be rid of it by the time a big event comes, or it happened at a big event and this guilty thing happened long ago in your past. Try thinking of anything that you did that you felt was okay to do, but might have hurt someone else emotionally or physically and find that person and say your sorry.

  5. maybe you are sick and twisted.  maybe you want to kill yourself in a big poofy dress in the shower with sleeping pills.  or maybe you just hav ereally weird dreams :)  i wouldnt worry about it.  just try to think about something else as you fall asleep in an effort to steer your dreams away from that dream.

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