
What does my dream of getting scared by dogs mean? They are not attacking.I am scared of dogs in my real life.

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i had a series of 3 dreams where I am going to somebody's place and they have dogs(multiple) and I get very very scared to move. First two dreams I saw my family members keeping dogs away from me. Last one the dogs were slepping but I just could not move and I wanted to leave.




  1. Maybe since you are so frightened of dogs, it is coming out in your dreams. maybe you could be scared because you see on he news about dog fights and Pitbulls attacking people. Remember, there is no such thing as a bad dog but there is such thing as a bad owner. I used to be so scared. So scared that if a dog was feet away, I would run.

    You dont have to love dogs but dont let your fear of them affect your life.

    Hope I helped =)

  2. first of all let me tell u exactly what a dream is...

    Dreams are a communication of body, mind and spirit in a symbolic communicative environmental state of being. That's it! Now that you are thoroughly confused let me explain in a more down to earth language. Our brains are in constant activity. Different states of consciousness (like awake, asleep, alert, drowsy, excited, bored, concentrating or daydreaming) cause different brain wave activity. Our conscious mind, or the part we think with, our "window" into life, only takes up a very small portion of our brain activity. (some say this is only 10%) Other areas control things like breathing, heartbeat, converting light to vision, sound to hearing, balance when we walk, etc. etc. This too has it's own percentage (small). Another area controls imagination. This area is widely an undiscovered frontier. Imagination is more then dreaming of a new car or picturing someone with their cloths off! When you look at clouds and see shapes, or wood grain and see images, this is the "order from chaos" part of your imagination. The mind cannot deal with chaos very well, in fact it will resist it and sometimes manufacture order. (very important to the dreaming process.)This too occupies a small percentage of brian activity. Then there is memory. Memory is vast! And I believe it occupies more of the brains resources then most people believe.

    And then there is the activity called dreaming. I think that to a certain extent, we dream all the time. Even while awake! But the process is functioning in our subconscious mind, out of view from our "window". If defined precisely, they may not be referred to as dreams technically, but the activity is very closely related. During certain cycles of brain activity while asleep, we can "view" these dreams with our conscious mind and record them in our memory. (this is why we sometimes remember them).

    Fine Mike, but what are dreams? Well, with the above kept in mind (especially the order from chaos part) try to imagine this.; Your brain mind and spirit, while at rest "review" and analysis in it's own way long term, short term and spirit memory. It kicks around emotions, thoughts, ideas, actions and interactions of the short term memory. It has in it's background the trends of your life and philosophy to influence it. Your mind is also processing spiritual data, your beliefs, whether or not you violated them, your information gained through psychic intuition (we ALL have this to a certain degree) and of course, any communication from God. ALL THIS data, as well as your subconscious "reading between the lines" of what people do and tell you, is then processed unsupervised by you! All this data is a form of chaos, and your mind (like seeing images in wood grain or clouds) puts it all together in a form of visual "screenplay", a medley of sight, sound,emotion and imagined interactivity. The end result is.... You guessed it, a dream!

    Ahh but would it not be nice if it were that simple! Dreams are easily influenced by factors in your life and spirit, and these influences create "categories" that are almost infinite. We do broadly categorize them in terms like "prophetic, standard, physical and nightmare" (to name just a few) And these we study each their own, in order to gain benefit from them. I look at it this way: Our mind and spirit together with our brain, is actually the greatest computer ever devised! To understand it's "back of the house" processing is to learn more about ourselves, God, our future and each other. Many things can be gained from dreams, better health (mental and physical), entertainment and even financial gain! (dreaming of a invention or idea) Now that you know some of the basics about dreaming and what (theoretically) dreams are you should have a better grasp on how to understand and use your dreams.

    The Proper Way To Sleep...

    As with everything else in life, there is a right way and wrong way to go about sleeping in a manner that is productive in dream recall. Relaxation is a must. And following good, steady sleeping habits is also a must. There is a thing called "sleep debt" that occurs when you regularly do not get enough sleep. When you build up your sleep debt, you sleep so deep it is almost impossible to remember your dreams, so follow regular habits. Before you leap into bed, h**l bent on remembering your dreams, take a moment and review these preliminary steps:

    Relax yourself completely. This can be done with nothing more then peace and quiet. If you choose, use your favorite relaxation tapes, or just some peaceful music. (pre-set to turn off)

    Pay attention to the main issues on your mind. As you start to go to sleep, pay attention to the main theme, or train of thought running through your mind. This will give you a clue as to what your dream may end up being based on. Also, by keeping your mind on what you want to dream about is a good way to dream about one particular issue. Don't over concentrate though, or it will keep you awake.

    Give yourself a suggestion to remember your dream. You must want to remember your dreams in order to do so. Giving yourself a suggestion is simple. Just keep in mind, and randomly bring to surface a little thought like "I will remember my dream". Don't just think the words like a child reciting "I will not write on the wall", but mean it, and feel the conviction.

    Plan on waking up slowly and peacefully. Being rocketed out of bed by a big dog landing in the middle of your chest and l*****g your face is NOT the stuff that dreams are made of! (I speak from experience) :) Try to wake up naturally. Regardless what anyone may have told you, it is a fact that adult human beings NEED a minimum of eight hours sleep in order to be fully rested. Some, in fact most really need more. Not getting enough sleep is the number one reason for not remembering your dreams! Don't overdo it either, or the reverse will be true. A good rule of thumb is you should wake up naturally without an alarm clock, and without someone (or something) waking you.

    Your health is very important! Take your vitamins, and chelated minerals every day! Eat a well balanced diet. Poor nutrition is also an extremely common cause for failure to recall dreams.

    Keeping those steps above in mind (and following them) will kick start you to remembering your dreams. These steps are the key to remembering your dreams, if you practice ALL the above, you WILL sooner or later start to remember them. (I am betting "sooner")

    Analyzing the dream: Basic Dream Themes...

    Identify the main "theme" or "concept" of the dream. Perhaps the most important thing about dream analysis, identifying the basic theme sets the tone for the interpretation. It is done like so: First, write down the dream (or record it). Look at the dream from a different perspective. Take away the details and look at it as a whole. Here is an example:

    You have a dream of a beautiful hall with shinny marble floors and incredible works of art on the walls. The pictures are framed in solid gold. There are flowers in the corner, and they are breathtaking. The ceiling is cathedral style, with graceful arches with ornate carvings. You get the distinct impression that you are alone, and in charge of it's upkeep. You here a faint scratching sound from the other end of the hall. You hurry down there and zero in on the sound. To your horror a mouse is chewing on the corner of a magnificent painting. You realize if you do nothing at all, the work will be rendered worthless and ugly. But you know if you catch the mouse you can save the painting since little to no damage has been done. You are uncertain you can get the mouse in time. You wake up feeling disappointed and remorse, as you do not want to see something so important to you destroyed.

    So here is the theme when you take away the details.

    Someone sees something precious being senselessly destroyed. There is a chance to put an end to it, if acted upon quickly.

    If you had this dream wouldn't it be much clearer with a theme? Creating a theme is very easy and usually only requires common sense.

    Lets do one more.

    The Dream:

    (From the Book of Genesis 40:09-11)In my dream, behold, a vine was before me; And in the vine were three branches: and it was as though it budded, and her blossoms shot forth; and the clusters thereof brought forth ripe grapes: And Pharaoh's cup was in my hand: and I took the grapes, and pressed them into Pharaoh's cup, and I gave the cup into Pharaoh's hand.

    The theme: Something good comes to fruition. This something is refined, and given away.

    As anyone who cares to look up this passage can see, the meaning was that the King would restore the Chief Butler to his former position in three days. A theme is NOT the whole interpretation, as you can see. But it does point you into the right direction. For instance, "something good comes to fruition "IE he gets his job back. This "something is refined, and given away" does not seem to fit, however we don't really know from the passage whether or not changes to his job were required, or if held his job long afterward. Add the symbolism that Joseph used, and you get 3 "day--3 vines" "pressing grapes into Pharaoh's cup--preparing to serve Pharaoh" "Giving the cup to Pharaoh--returning to the service of Pharaoh as he had in former years.". The symbolism Joseph used was very logical! Add to it a theme, and it fits perfectly! This was a tough example as this dream was a prophetic dream and they are rare. I only used this to show you two very important things;

    Themes help you find the big picture.

    Themes alone are too vague to be useful as a whole i

  3. it could be your fears about dogs surfacing in your sleep. your brain goes over all your thoughts in your sleep, and since you are so afraid of them, it is a frequent dream.

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