
What does my lovebird have???

by  |  earlier

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I have a lovebird that seems to be sick,,,,i've had him for a few years now he's tamed and very alert all the time like a normal lovebird should be. But for a while now he's always sleeping and we always find him at the bottom of his cage with his face hidden in his wing,,,he seems to have a little diarrhea light watery green stools,,,we changed his food and he's eating normally,,,he seems to have a watery eye,,,I'm not sure he is having difficulty breathing I've noticed his breathing more obvious than usual,,,and now he's like always puffy,,,,I've been giving him antibiotics but his change has been little,,,,anyone,,,what can I do???




  1. Take the bird to the vet ASAP. Once a bird starts to show symptoms of being ill it is usually too late to do anything. Do not waste any time!

  2. In the wild, birds hide signs of illness as a way of surviving, so once a love bird shows signs of sickness such as loss of weight, sitting at the bottom of the cage for a long time, sneezing and dripping from nose and mouth, the bird should be taken to an avian veterinarian right away. Many illnesses have similar symptoms and tests are needed to determine the real problem.

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