
What does my mom think I am?

by  |  earlier

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My mom is always at me! If i have 1 single spot she will point it out and make a huge deal. She says I crouch ( I don't) because she thinks I'm self conscience but I am kinda tall for my age. I'm 13 and (5ft 2.75- 5ft 3). She makes fun of me a lot. She always asks me 'Why aren't you on the A hockey team.' And if I ever get a bad score in a test ( if I get somewhere in the 60s on a maths test )she takes its seriously and gets me grinds. If I ever make fun of her she gets upset and calls my dad who gives out h**l to me. It sucks!




  1. tell her what u said here and say ur goin to ruin our relationship is she hasnt already

  2. its  hard my mom does that like I'm really short like 4ft 10inch and I'm 14... and my mom REALLY wants me to be on track but i don't want to ...i think its because track is every day after school all off first semester so i wont get ito trouble with my friends but i wont!!! well its not like that now that my mom started to drink and my dads never home he gets home at 8:30pm and when he is home hes always tict off aboutsomethingg and gets mad at my mombecausee the houseisn'tt clean and then my mom gets mad at me and makes me clean it not my older brother OF COURSE but me!but i go up to my room about 9 and just sit up there until a fallasleepp...i know life just sucks sometimes but i will be al right i have not given up i know it will get better...when iwas justs old my life was perfect no lieing in my home or yelling just love my dad only worked one job wasnt wasn'tressed my mom didnt drink so the house was always clean but the mane thing is that evryoneveryone for each outher and my brother wasnt doing anything bad at all! i love to just lay there and remember what it was like when i was younger it always makes my happier but when i wake up evrythings normal... good luck to you i really do hope things get better for you.......

  3. well first talk to her and explain to her about how you feel when she gets at you

  4. Most of the time when parents do that its because they want you to do better. If you dont like i dont know what to tell you. you either have to wait it out until you are 18 or you can go to foster care.

  5. When u said she calls ur dad, u mean ur parents r divorced, right?  so maybe u mom is going thro a tough time.  my mom gets REALLY mad at me when i get a bad grade, only because she wants me to get a good job.  ur mom obviously cares about u a lot, but just doesn't know how to show it.  if she cares about ur grades so much, ask her to help u study when she' s not busy.  or explain how u feel.  tell her u crouch because ur really tall or whatever.  the most important thing is to talk about it w/ her.  chances r, it's not u she's mad at, but she still takes her anger out on u.  in the meantime, try to get out w/ friends (w/ her permission) so u can get out of the house and have some free time.

    good luck!! : )  

  6. tell  here

  7. write a letter

    open up to all your feels then maybe she'll want to talk and you explain what you want from her etc =]

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