
What does my natal chart mean?

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Rising: taurus

Moon: virgo

Sun: scorpio

What does this mean?

Is it a god or bad combination




  1. This is VERY good! You should focus on improving your inter-personal and romantic relationships, you will find it very fuitful!

    Now is a good time to be frugal though, you may find it very easy to spend money in the near future.

    Hope this helps!

  2. This is bascially a hramonious combo as you are essentially Watery/Earthy in temperament. These two elements are complementary in energies and you are bascially more in tune with your energies than most other people, unless other indications in the chart indicate otherwise.

    The aspects are not listed so just based on the signs themselves, your Rising, the way you present yourself to the world and how others see you, are pretty much in sync with your emotional needs. This should put you at ease in social situations and you will feel in harmony with others.

    Sun-Moon in sextiled signs isn also a good combo. The conscious part of you, the ego/willpower is pretty much in sync with the subconsiouc part of your being (the emotional needs etc) as well.

    The only discrepancy that may occur is that you may appear more easy-going than you actually are. As a Scoprio Sun, you have very deep, intense, sensitive person and you may appear to be more non-chalant and superficial than you really are with a Taurus Ascendant.

    But generally, this combo sld confer you with pretty harmonious enegries, in how you view yourself and how others see you.

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